Mr Wang is extraordinary in his simplicity, sincerity, and generosity. Not only that, he has really extracted himself from forms and styles; he teaches in a direct and refined way how to become one with his partner, erase his own ego, or rather put it at the service of Unity and thus make “the magic of the unified movement of self and partner.”
Through its universal teaching, beyond styles, internal and energetic martial arts will be able to nourish and sublimate themselves, but not only that! The internal energetic arts in general, such as Qigong, can find there both a validation of Unity with the partner beyond its solo practice, and a path for the dissolution of the ego and a return to Unity, a connection to the One, in practice and especially in everyday life. Because working together puts us face to face with our fears, our conditioning, a true blessing, a material to transcend our revealed limits to help us progress on the path to Being