Q: In your relationship with mind, body, Spirit, where does God fit in or does he? What is your belief in this chaotic world and how do one zone out with so much negativity in the world today do you have a connection or solution within yourself to share with everybody or a path where someone can find soleness in oneself?
A: The trinity of Kung Fu is: Essence, Energy, and Spirit. If one really understands the metaphorical pointers, the connotation means: “There is no other God but thee!”.
Beingness is the essence, the combination of the Primal energy with the animation of body sentience. Once in animation, all is a function of the primal energy with the veiling of sentience. Spirit is of the manifestation, the reflection, and extrapolation of the psyche.
Ancient Chinese Kung Fu is an empirical art of reverse self-engineering. It is always up to oneself to realize one’s true nature.
On the path, there is no room for mystery nor religion. For if there is a mystery, you are the mystery bound by ignorance, whereas when the spiritual teachings become a religion, the essence is gone.
All relevant teachings, both advanced Kung Fu and spiritual teachings are metaphorical pointers, once digested and graduated, there will be no more seeking high and low, for the seeker is the sought.
Knowledge disappears, one becomes the knower, the seer, in peace and harmony always, rifting on life current in the moment of now, Prana Dynamics.
In peace.