It is like the learning process, it is like an inflection of the internal revolution. For any revolution to be successful, the first thing the revolution does is deconstruct itself. Destroy everything you know, destroy everything you have accumulated from inside of you, to make room for the process of reintegration. That is the constructive part of a revolution. All for the better. In you. Of you. By you.
Only when you can relax to some extent, you open up some room inside of your body, then the reconstruction will be possible. And that is also the happening of this internal voice, to yourself from inside of yourself, because there is room for this energy to correspond to you. Of course not in the form of language but intuition.
If you keep on releasing in the open, then this intuition will become stabilized and will have a much bigger level of internal freedom from inside of yourself. Once you try to leverage and manifest or to participate from the outside manifestation, you are realizing to your surprise you can enjoy much more freedom because of intuition. This is the way to go.
Instead of trying to copy my application or copy my move, even copy my style it cannot be done. So that is what I said earlier, once this transformation process is happening in you, it is up to you to keep on with the practice, taking hold of the essence of the teachings and them evolve your own style. This is the way to go.
And then, later, martial art is not a purpose. Martial art is just instrumentation for you to validate your internal freedom. It is a byproduct of this internal freedom. So, do not mistake the means to the ends. Do not indulge yourself too much in it, especially with the martial orientation. It is exactly because of this martial orientation that blocks people from seeing the essence of the art in the way I prescribed you.
I myself, I delve into this dimension only after the moment when I literally took a vow to myself that from that moment on-wards I fight people no more. And that is how I delve into this internal dimension and once I felt into this dimension all these questions I had about the nature of the art I can see the answers to my own questions next to each other. This is why I can now teach like this. This is why I can demonstrate so very freely, it is because of the internal freedom. It is not because of how many hours I practice a day. This is an irrelevant question.
Once into this energy dimension, each and every moment of now, you are aware that everything is a function of energy. Only if you are aware. And then your perspective changes. And then your mind becomes your servant instead of being dominated on top of your head 24 hours a day, making you suffer your own life experience. And then you will have a better chance to understand and realize: the manifestation and me, there is no difference. The world is there because I am. Ah, that makes sense. Not the ego-mind but there is a conscious presence. But even this conscious presence is not constant because this conscious presence is also bound by the physicality of your body. But this is the only capital you can have. To transcend yourself, to bridge over from the temporal state into the primary state.
But to the mind the word consciousness is not understandable because the mind, if you are dominated by the mind, it is like you are the shadow, you are under the shadow of the darkness of your mind. It is an object you know. It is an object on the screen of manifestation like an actor on the screen. So it is impossible for the mind to transcend itself.
Once you realize that I am not the mind, then who the hell am I? I am not the actor, I am the director. Once you can successfully make the transition from inside of yourself, your perspective will be different. And then your mental energy becomes your instrumentation and your mind will not sit on top of your head dominating over you 24 hours a day. No more. Life will become much more an enjoyable process, of course at your hands, at your discretion. To participate or not to participate. But for you to enjoy the scenery, you have to make yourself there.
As a beginner, once you have reached the epics of the mountain and you can unload your luggage and turn your head around, enjoy the scenery. And then you do not have to utter a word. You become the seer, you become the knower. Free of the intellectual interpretations. Even words become redundant, you just know. This is a higher level of eternal witness.

This post is a transcript from this video:
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