For me, meeting Howard is one of the best experiences in my 40 years of practice.
Short annual one-on-one sessions feed my daily cultivation work. None of my questions remained unanswered, every movement is explained, empathy was reaching its limit.
Howard is the only one who helped me raise the flag of spontaneity, which is now my test of truth in setting goals.
Seizing the opportunity for wonderful contact, for such opportunities are often finite in time.
Best regards.

Some words from Huai Hsiang Wang
Sergey Kuznetsov is the founding director of the Russian Wushu Federation and is the organizer of the Saratov Federation of the Academy of Performing Arts.
Of his lifelong dedication to martial arts, he thought that he had seen everything possible during his lifelong quest for the essence of the art. After he attended my first seminar at Saratov, Russia, he stated the following from his heart
I thought I had seen everything, not until after I had met Howard.
Ever since my first seminar at Saratov in Russia, he chose to travel more than 1200 kilometers to Moscow for my private sessions from Saratov each year whenever I am in Moscow, just for a one-day to two days private session with me in person.
Personally, I took his action to visit me in Moscow as a token of compliment.
In peace