True testimony from the heart by Frank Markert
Dear Howard,
This is my very personal testimony about the life-changing experience of meeting you and Prana Dynamics.
All my adult life I have been suffering from depression. My world was gray and there was no real meaning to life. Then I went to what I thought to be a martial arts seminar and met you there.
As a physicist by education and a martial artist for many years I thought by then that Qi is something that the Chinese had not really understood and that it could be explained by the physical laws of force and leverage.
Luckily I was sensitive enough and by touching you, I at once recognized that it is indeed something very different. That was a real eye-opener for me and the discovery was so profound that it felt to me like I had been living in a 2-dimensional world all my life and now suddenly discovered that there is a 3rd dimension that I had not noticed before.
From that moment my life had a new direction. I really wanted to unveil this new dimension for and in me. Soon I learned that this goes so much deeper than just sensing and using Qi and that Prana Dynamics offers the possibility of a scientific and validate-able approach to the first steps in spirituality on the way of reverse engineering once own being.
Ever since Prana Dynamics has been my clear road map and guideline for my personal evolution. Following those guidelines and my emerging inner guidance I started to pop up all the old emotional traumas that have been embedded in my body for so long. I faced those energies and learned to handle them, sort them and let them go. This way I started a process of reintegrating myself on a deeper level and my different subconscious forces gradually stopped fighting themselves and I started to experience a state where inner contradictions subsided and inner peace increased.
In this process of holistic body-mind reverse engineering, inner body tensions released and my life changed dramatically. Old body pains went away. The inner circulation of life energy was running freer and freer.
In the past, I used to suffer from flues every 2 to 3 months. Today, I am experiencing one every 2 years. By setting right my inner emotions also the depressions went away gradually and today I am living a peaceful and content life in ever-increasing harmony with myself and my true self. Even my many allergies and my asthma became less. My character cleared and my reactions to the outside world and the reactions and relationships of people to me changed for the better on a basis of love and understanding.
Yet those outward effects are only the changes that can be seen on the surface. Carrying Prana Dynamics in the heart and following its guidelines of reverse self engineering truly leads to so much deeper, so profound changes that they are out of the scope of a normal human experience and need to be experienced to be truly understood.
One begins to naturally see things as they are and understand the mechanisms and happenings in and of life. The different parts of human bondage like soul and spirit are directly experienced and harmonized with. Qi and heart do not remain empty words but start to be filled with meaning and deep and direct understanding and integration into being.
All parts reveal themselves bit by bit and by harmonizing with them the journey goes ever deeper back to the direction of the source. Tranquility, harmony, and deep inner freedom emerge.
Prana Dynamics is the key to true inner spirituality if the heart is truly set to this path.
Thank you from my heart.
Testimonial by Ray Pinaroc
Thank you for all you have taught me with your master’s course. You’ve helped me fill in numerous details and connect so many missing areas like no other teacher.
I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a proper training partner for a few years now, and the aha moments and validations continue to manifest, thanks to you and your training methods.
My training partner and I are from a martial background but that is now only secondary to the growth and freedom we’re experiencing through the spiritual practice of Prana Dynamics.
We are so very grateful we found you and genuinely know how difficult and improbable it is to find one who can teach the true essence of the internal arts in a way that is quite accessible.
With gratitude and love,
Protected: Details for the next Zoom session
On Internal Breathing
The prerequisite for modulating the energy flow is to relax the body-mind to make room for the energy flow at the command of intent from the heart.
Tension refers to the contraction of the electric mental energy through focus/attention.
Where the mental focus is, energy flows; where there is the energy flow, magic happens.
The energy trinity is Consciousness, Vital, and Mental energy.
Consciousness is Awareness and is magnetic. Both the Vital and the Mental energy are electric.
Awareness is the observer within; when pristine, it is free from the confinement of space and time and is free of the adulteration of the colorization of sentience; therefore, the mind can not sense it.
Awareness is the only One knower, observer, and creator within.
Vital and Mental energy can function in the form of attention and attachment through contraction within the invisible limits of animated sentience.
The intent from the mind will invoke the electric energy in contraction; therefore, it only enables mechanical, physical movement in fragmentation due to energetic contraction in bondage.
Therefore, the true internal breathing mechanism is about the intent from the heart to modulate the magnetic fluid flow en tandem with the convergence of the counter force to shape the electric energy contraction outside of the body to the partner or to space at the command of intent.
In peace.
Testimonial by Thierry Doctrinal
Mr Wang is extraordinary in his simplicity, sincerity, and generosity. Not only that, he has really extracted himself from forms and styles; he teaches in a direct and refined way how to become one with his partner, erase his own ego, or rather put it at the service of Unity and thus make “the magic of the unified movement of self and partner.”
Through its universal teaching, beyond styles, internal and energetic martial arts will be able to nourish and sublimate themselves, but not only that! The internal energetic arts in general, such as Qigong, can find there both a validation of Unity with the partner beyond its solo practice, and a path for the dissolution of the ego and a return to Unity, a connection to the One, in practice and especially in everyday life. Because working together puts us face to face with our fears, our conditioning, a true blessing, a material to transcend our revealed limits to help us progress on the path to Being
Testimonial by Emina Zukic
The Darmstadt Prana Dynamics seminar was a few weeks ago. I can with a clear conscience sign everything that others have written in their testimonials. Yet, I have not been able to put my own resume into words so far.
The reason for this was that the encounter with Howard was truly a profound experience for me, just as he himself had prophesied on the first day.
The more I digested my experiences at the seminar, the clearer it became that they had made waves on all levels of my life. My testimonial would have been different every day.
What Prana Dynamic is to me and what the seminar has brought me, I still cannot put into words properly today because I am still so touched and speechless.
However, I can say the following: The Prana Dynamics Master Program was already very enriching. His deep, extensive knowledge resulted from his experiences, and his long journey served on a silver platter. Yet, it does not compare to an in-person interaction. Even though he can talk very well about the intangible, he can tell volumes wordlessly with his touch. He opens up entirely and gives himself ultimately to you. He reveals everything his soul carries with just one touch.
Even weeks after the seminar, I still feel like I’m conversing with him, and new levels of knowledge and new perspectives on life are constantly revealed.
One carries the encounter close to the heart, and it accompanies one throughout the day. It is like a living student-teacher relationship on the heart level, guiding one deeper into one’s own true inner monologue at every moment.
When Prana Dynamics is brought to life in one through the experience of his touch, it provides a framework in which all your experiences with life fit in a way that the mind can follow.
The touch of Howard resets, if one is ready to accept it, the relationship between your body and your mind, allowing the heart to open again and especially the own light to emerge again. Fearlessly. It brings one back into contact with oneself.
Enveloped in security and love, he brings one to a door through which one can step if one chooses. However, here begins the real challenging path, one’s own true subjectivity.
In the sanctuary of Howard’s presence, enveloped in love and security, one finds the courage to step through the doorway to self-awareness, embracing the transformative power of Prana Dynamics.
Prana Dynamics guides you on the journey from the fragmented realm of the mind back to the unified world of oneness.
When you traverse the doorway within your heart, you discover the opportunity to rejuvenate your mindset within the sanctuary of your genuine love, liberated from the burdens of your past and those of others, allowing for a fresh start.
Your soul can plant a new seed and flourish once more, unencumbered by fear, as you embrace the unwavering power of your integrity.
This is where the magic in your life begins, not only on the inside but also on the outside.
With love,
Spiritual subjectivity
Post by Eimhin David Callanan on Facebook
Dear Huai Hsiang Wang,
Recently I have heard some more of your rendition of the fundamental nature of substantial existence as per the wuji, taiji t’u, taiji, and manifest reality model put forward by Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching.
This subject matter has fascinated me from an early age when I came across the model as put forward by Pythagoras in ancient Greece. The Pythagorean brotherhood used a symbol called the ‘Tetractys’ , and wore this as a pendant round their necks, a triangle formed of 10 dots (tetra: 10 , the perfect number of the Pythagoreans). 1 dot, then 2, then 3, then four, to symbolize Unity, Duality, Creative Trinity, and Manifest Reality as four the number of the Square.
In this model, the creative trinity is equivalent to the logos, and the golden ratio, where the lesser is to the greater as the greater is the whole, namely the creative harmony of a duality, and the only two-term proportion in existence where a:b::b:(a+b)
On a personal note, and in the classical Daoist sense of reversion or going back, I should acknowledge that I understand that, on my way, I began in the Western mind looking as from without, toward an objectified principle that in your description is pure subjective phenomena. Please allow me this accident of circumstance. I have some internal practice by now and hope to arrive at the latter someday.
Coming across the Tao Te Ching in my late teens I immediately noticed the parallel with the lines: “Within the Dao, there was the One, from the One came Two, from Two came Three and from Three came the ten thousand things.” From my outer perspective, only dimly aware, all I could see was the patterned likeness. I went on to discover this patterned likeness in a variety of other places.
The ancient language of Croatia, pre-cyrillic (Cyrillic is to Russian as Latin is to English), was called Galgolicja, it was alpha-numeric meaning the numbers and letters were self-similar in sequence, such that 1,2,3,4 was equivalent with A,B,V,G, the first four letters of the language. In Glagolicjian the language had a story where each successive word began with each successive letter of the alphabet. The first four words of this story are: AZ BUKI VEIDEI GLAGOLICJA translating to: I Can See the Word.
This brings up both the Christian tradition : “In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was made Flesh.” and the Hindu tradition in the sense both of the Om, as the seed syllable, and both the micro and macro of the fractalitic self-similar vibratory totality of creation; and also, the foundational Hindu story where Brahma, the eternal unmanifest (Dao), draws a circle around itself (wuji), takes a piece from inside and places it outside the circle which becomes Vishnu (taiji t’u), Vishnu ‘looks’ (veidei is the root of ‘to see’) at Brahma and this act forms Shiva (taiji), establishing all creation and destruction.
I found the pattern also at the root of the Berber language of northern Morrocco, also alpha-numeric, and following this exact pattern but in a visual sense that is not easily explained without being able to draw, but I will add a picture below. The pattern is in tact with even the symbol of phi being the third term where the symbol phi ( a circle with a line through the middle extending above and below the circle) is the mathematical symbol of the golden ratio cited above, and observed in the geometric growth sequence of much of mineral and biological life.
The pattern is again to be found in the axiomatic foundation of complexity theory as per: “Period three implies chaos” where periodic systems are observed as periods of stability until the third period where each part of the system ‘bifurcates’ repeating the original systemic evolution within each particle of the initial system. To illustrate, imagine a smoke ring, it is initially perfect, then it wobbles slightly, then it twists and wobbles more but a circle is still almost discernable, and then chaos, every part of the initial formation dissipates into space.
I felt in hearing you speak that you may be interested, if not mildly entertained by these objective manifestations of the subjective principle you embody and teach, and felt like sharing these.
Any comment is welcome. I hope to one day meet you in Ireland.
Perhaps in the countryside for some days training if this would be something interesting to you.
Thank you for sharing your experience and teaching others.
I am glad to have the benefit of learning from a fellow Taiwanese Master of yours, based in the US, Master Waysun Liao.
Response by Huai Hsiang Wang
Dear Eimhin David Callanan,
The spiritual eminence is in trinity, whereas the human mind functions in duality.
Therefore, spiritual subjectivity can only be comprehended by the human mind in the form of metaphor, based on the intrinsic conceptual separation of subject and object.
However, it does not matter how hard the shadow tries; the shadow can not become the substance.
Likewise, I have been fascinated by the similarities of different spiritual traditions since I was a teenager; however, it took me many years to realize that they are not coincidental.
If one holds conceptual knowledge in awe without being able to digest/validate the imparted knowledge, one will remain bound by the mind and lost in awe in conceptual speculation as an individual.
The key message of the similarities is to remind oneself throughout history: “Thus as You Are.”
There is a huge gap between knowing and seeing from within oneself: the human dilemma!
The mind, which is energy functioning, is the blocking factor.
Freed from the dominance of the mind, one is the vital energy with the veiling of the animated sentience, Prana in Dynamics.
Equalizing the two polarities of the vital energy in vibration, one is the universal Consciousness in creation.
Devoid of the Consciousness in temporality, one is the Light in eminence.
Beyond the Light, Nothing is everything.
In peace,
Huai Hsiang Wang
Testimonial by Jesper Lind Madsen
Embarking on a journey into the energy realm of martial arts and spirituality under the guidance of Howard and Prana Dynamics has been nothing short of transformative. My recent experience at Prana Dynamic’s Workshop in Darmstadt, in early March 2024, was truly enlightening.
Howard possesses a rare unification of profound philosophical insight, mastery in demonstrating the essence of martial arts, and an unwavering commitment to teaching. It’s through his demonstrations that I’ve assembled the deepest understanding. Howard’s intuitive ability to gauge students’ progress and provide precise feedback ensures continuous improvement and success. His generosity in sharing knowledge knows no bounds; he holds nothing back, genuinely invested in his students’ growth and achievements. Moreover, Howard’s willingness to teach is palpable in his openness to all, encouraging questions and delivering insightful answers with wit and humor, all in eloquent English.
Instructors Frank Markert and Drew Henry complement Howard’s teachings with their own generous spirits and unique skills. Their dedication to mastering Prana Dynamics shines through, offering invaluable guidance and support throughout the workshop and beyond. Witnessing the effectiveness of Howard’s teachings reflected in his senior students was truly inspiring.
Together, Howard, Frank, and Drew have created a vibrant community where learning flourishes, and personal growth is inevitable. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn from such passionate and dedicated mentors.
Testimonial by Krisztian Horvath
Prana Dynamics seminar London 2024
First and foremost, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to both Howard and Frank for their heartful teaching/assistance, dedication and patience (I think they needed a lot towards me) they gave throughout this seminar; to Nik for organizing the event (he also helped others with finding accommodation) and for the catering – drinks, biscuits provided, and of course, to ALL participants for contributing to this gathering to be magical!
It was so nice to be with you all and see and feel how your dedicated practice, supporting each other and your joy created that special atmosphere! I better understood the theory of the Art and I felt that I improved in the practical side of it, too through the partner exercises and the guidance provided by Howard and Frank.
I must admit, I did not want to leave the training studio room on the last day and I can tell, I was not the only one! ‚Just one more day would be nice‘ – you know…
Howard said on that day that we would be Re-born on the following day… Well, I felt I was re-born on the last day of the seminar (re-born prematurely then? ), I see and feel life and myself differently since then so this event was really life-changing for me!
I can only encourage everyone to participate in these gatherings and get ‚ first-hand experience as – I think – no one can express the feeling and the results by simply using words…
You are ALL wonderful and mysterious in your own unique way, keep up with the practice and keep being love towards yourselves and others!
I am glad to be part of The Family!
Actually, on the deepest level we are one, aren’t we!?
Enough talking, let’s practice!
With love,
Strange Adventures of Strange People-Master of Energy Martial Arts
English text by Google Translate
After practicing the big ring with Sananda the day before yesterday,
She said she was going to visit an energy martial arts master the next day
Invite me to go with her
Then she told some stories about the martial arts master
Since I have no contact with martial arts culture
So I don’t have any special feelings about what she said.
But when she said that this master usually teaches abroad,
It’s not that easy to meet him in person
Just think of it as my reward for sharing the big ring with her.
I thought to myself, “This is really the first time I meet someone as a reward.”
I agreed to her invitation without asking any questions.
At the appointed time at noon the next day, I arrived at the appointed place.
With full curiosity, I took a photo at the door and rang the doorbell.
It was the teacher who came to open the door.
After revealing that I am Sananda’s friend
The teacher invited me into the room
I briefly introduce myself
The teacher handed over freshly brewed Pu’er tea and briefly shared his martial arts school.
【Prana Dynamics】
While the teacher was talking, I observed that his complexion was rosy and his skin was smooth.
He looks like a well-educated young man
The forearms and neck are quite thick, 1.5 times that of the average person.
Foreign martial arts should be very solid
While we were chatting, the people in succession also arrived.
The teacher asked everyone about their practice after returning home.
Then he started to talk about his understanding, opinions, and practice methods of “idea”
Since 2016, I started exploring the realm of body, mind, and soul.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this
But I was very surprised by the precise wording and logical understanding of what he explained.
While I was still digesting what the teacher just explained,
The teacher then invited everyone to stand up
Actually, I don’t know what I’m here for.
I thought I was just here to meet the teacher and have a chat.
So when everyone stood up one after another
I still had the mentality of watching a good show and continued to sit on the chair and watch.
The teacher began to explain and demonstrate
Only then did I realize that I was here for class today.
He first invited a boy with a height of about 175cm and a weight of about 65kg.
Reach out and grab his forearm
When I saw it, I thought it might be the Tai Chi Push Hands style.
When he was talking about how the energy of thoughts is transferred to
the other person and drives the other person
My body and hands didn’t move at all.
I saw the boy suddenly bending backward and taking several steps back.
I opened my eyes wide with an expression of disbelief
I have seen a lot of Tai Chi push-hands and have personally experienced them.
But I have never seen someone who can make someone move without moving.
Then he asked a girl to touch his forearm to feel the transmission of thought energy.
At the same time, we once again explain and demonstrate the operation of thought energy.
The teacher also didn’t move at all.
The boy also took a few steps back. Seeing this, I couldn’t help but stand up from the chair
Tell the teacher that I also want to feel the transmission of thought energy
After the teacher agreed, I touched the teacher’s front arm with my hand.
I felt a force start on the teacher’s arm
At the same time, the boy took a few steps back
I thought to myself what was going on, how could it be possible to make the other party move like this?
So I asked the teacher how this was different from normal muscle pushing.
The teacher then demonstrated how to use muscle power to push the opponent.
I touched the teacher’s arm and felt his muscles swell and push forward very hard.
But this time the boy didn’t move at all
While my mind is still trying to accept the fact
The teacher began to demonstrate how to avoid being pushed by the opponent’s mental energy.
Also ask the boys to hold onto the teacher’s front arm and push the teacher hard
I watched the boy push hard but the teacher didn’t move.
I thought to myself that this boy must not have pushed hard enough.
I just asked the teacher if I could give it a try too.
After the teacher agreed, I held his front arm tightly.
She pushed forward with a flushed face using all her strength to feed.
The teacher remained motionless
I still don’t believe in evil, so I said can I push it with both hands?
The teacher smiled and nodded
I directly put my hands on him and pushed him hard without any indication.
But no matter how hard I push, I can’t push the teacher
It didn’t move at all
At this time I began to realize that the way the energy of thoughts manifested was happening
right in front of me.
Next is the sparring between classmates
I also join in
Use the energy of thoughts according to the teacher’s method
After trying it several times, I started to be able to push the other person without moving my body.
But I can only feel the vague energy of thoughts
There were even times when I didn’t feel like I had done anything
The other party retreated
You will feel in your heart whether the other person is acting
But when it was a female classmate who pushed me with mental energy,
No matter how I change my posture, I resist with all my strength
My body just can’t resist being pushed.
After practicing for about thirty minutes
Everyone sits and drinks tea, chats and shares
I asked the teacher how to use the energy of thoughts in martial arts.
The teacher mentioned that some well-known foreign martial arts figures would invite him to take classes.
Among the students there is also a British kickboxing champion
The boy sitting next door who just demonstrated said to me
Someone once tried to sneak up on the teacher from behind
As a result, that person was directly ejected
How can it be possible for the heart in my heart to rise again?
I asked the teacher if he could let me beat him up.
The teacher smiled and said yes
So I stood up and punched the teacher on the upper arm.
As a result, my fist bounced away as soon as I touched the teacher’s arm.
I thought to myself that this must be my misalignment.
I asked the teacher if I could punch him again
Smiling and nodding like a teacher
This time I took two steps back
Aim at the teacher’s upper arm, sprint forward and punch him with all your strength.
The moment when the fist touches the teacher’s body
I feel like I’ve been hit on a hard piece of flesh
Then he was blown away by a burst of energy and fell to the ground.
Just like what you see in the movies
I can’t believe this is true
Get up slowly from the ground
At this time, I was completely convinced by the energy martial arts master in front of me.
Then everyone practiced with each other again
That’s the end of this course
On the way home
I realized that the energy of our thoughts can manifest everything in this world
This operation of materializing thought energy is completely reasonable
(this is the only way to convince myself)
Just being able to experience the operation firsthand is so amazing.
I feel that my knowledge and understanding of thoughts have expanded.
It’s really cool when projectors share themselves passionately and then wait to be invited.
thanks for everything that happened
Thank you Wanyou
#意energy #Martial ArtsMaster #奇人 #Taipei City Zhenwu Academy Research Association
【Prana Dynamics】