Dear Howard,
I am so happy that I have met you.
The first two most important pieces of wisdom that you taught me are “no fighting” and “relax”. They had touched me so deeply that I wanted to learn more about Prana Dynamics.
When I started to practice at first I could not sense anything myself, neither as the feeder nor as the fed, and also I carried lots of inner anger in me. This made practicing very difficult for me.
Luckily you then came up with the idea to apply the energetic “Qin Na” to me. Your “Qin Na” has lead to a deep liberation for me – physically of my body as well as emotionally.
Now I can practice and discover new things inside myself.
Your words, your explanations, and your demonstrations are becoming more and more able to sense and more and more alive to me.
My physical disability, my emotions, I my self and my life have become so much more beautiful.
Thank you for that wonderful gift!
Thank you for that journey!
Sending you love,