Dear Howard,
With pleasure, I write you a testimonial. May I explain first how I came to you: I did Kung Fu for about a year when I left the place and came to Munich for an internship.
I ask my former Kung Fu teacher for a recommendation on where to continue practicing under guidance in Munich. He recommended me to go with Frank.
There I liked it very much – it is the part I find fascinating about martial arts. A slim person like me can move effortless somebody much bigger. The releasing part was what I practiced before and enjoy a lot. I feel so relaxed every time and take this to other parts of my life. Just release, enjoy and become creative.
From Frank, I get the recommendation for the Online Seminar. At first, I was a bit skeptical about the format, but it turned out that I have made a lot of progress.
I can sense it by understanding each time better your words by self-validation. Thank you very much Howard!!
Best regards,