What your experience is actually a positive sign. It is a sign of something that is awakening up in you. Free of the stronghold of the mind.
This is exactly what this art is about. To inflict an internal revolution and by letting go, by letting go you open up. And by opening up everything becomes more and more intuitive. You just become self-aware.
As I try to explain to you guys from the energy perspective. From the temporal mind. On top of it, there is body energy, there is mental energy, and also the substratum, the temporal energy.
Different traditions have a different name for it. Like the Buddhists that call it the casual body and hermetic call it the astral body. And the Daoists call it the primordial energy.
It is like a sandwich. If you can surrender your mind what remains is the confluence of the mind-body energy at the function of your sentience. But if you can settle in deeper, you are actually synchronizing with this primal energy. And once you can tap into this primal energy, it is kind of beyond your sentience, then this awakening effect will manifest itself. You begin to sense and feel prior to the sensations. You begin to know what you are about to say even before you utter a word.
This is a sign of freedom. This is a sign of intuition and spontaneity. But then the rest of the practice is not a martial practice, it is a spiritual practice. You try to abide yourself in a court in oneness with this primal energy. Of course on top of your sentience. But once you can settle into the sentience, where does that lead you to? You tap into the dimension of your conscious presence. All your energies are spiraling from that object.
So you keep on with the practice, especially calming down your mind. Trying to calm down, baptize yourself. The deeper you baptize yourself, you are corresponding and synchronizing with this primal energy and that is the state you want to be in because that is the state of your conscious presence.
This conscious presence does not belong to you as an individual, it is universal because it is exactly the same primal energy that animates life, it is exactly the same energy that animates all the life, not only on this planet, in the universe. And that is the omnipresence. That is immortality.
But if you try to use your mind to understand that you cannot because the mind is very limited and it is always within a certain experience of your body sentience.
You cannot use the mind to transcend the mind. So what can you do? Surrender your mind to your heart and then everything will begin to click in you. Like all the Buddha stations, if you know what I mean by empathy, you have empathized with him, and then his words become your words, and everything clicks in you. That is the moment of true understanding.
Instead of trying to repeat or memorize his words, his teachings, etc, that is still bound by your mind in the form of our intellectual understanding. And then you will be able to tell that anything intellectual is not understanding. You are still bound by the mind because intellect is the claw of your mind. You want to cling to it, you want to attach yourself with it because you do not know. You need guidance in the darkness of your mind. You need the guidance to get it and find your way out of it.
Once you cling yourself to other people’s knowledge you do not see it, you do not sense it yourself. You are still bound forever in the darkness of the ego. So, if you see this picture and open up your eyes and your heart, you look around.
That is what I said you know, once I graduated myself from the fallacy of tradition, from the martial arts journey, when I flipped the coin around, turn my eyes, turn my heart, I look into the spiritual dimension. I saw exactly the same fallacy.
So the observation you described today is actually very good, congratulations! It is a very good sign but it only happened to you like a sparkling and then, what the heck is going on, then it is gone. I call it the touch of epiphany, I call it kisses by the angels.
The more you stabilize yourself with it, the more it will occur to you and then it becomes constant. The light from inside of your heart becomes stabilized. You become the light and the torch to people.
So all the saints experience the same experience. Of course, everybody’s story or everybody’s journey is different from one to the other but whatever they have discovered is exactly the same experience as you described. But for you, it is just a casual happening. You cannot make it happen, it happens to you.
But if you stabilize yourself more and more and more and then you will become the constant companion and then you are harmonized. Harmonize yourself to it. This is the way to go. This is something difficult to verbalize, something difficult to describe, but once you sense it you sense it. Keep on with it!
This post is a transcript from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf7aZ1pUUpk
Unfortunately, the sound quality is not good. Future videos will have better sound.