Wang Lang/王朗, Taoist alias Yeyo Shan Ren/葉友山人 (literally, the recluse friend of the flora), a man from Jimo city/即墨 of Shang Dong/山東 province, China, the founding Master of Praying Mantis/螳螂拳 system of Kung Fu.
When Wang Lang was young, he was athletic and loved martial arts. His teacher was a Taoist Monk, alias Yuhua/羽化真人 (Literally, the holy man of immortality), at the Trinity Temple/三清宮 at Laoshan/嶗山 of Shang Dong province.
Yuhua taught Wang Lang martial arts and Taoist alchemy for a couple of years. The martial arts taught by Yuhua were mainly various martial applications and techniques without the traditional naming of a system.
At Wang Lang’s graduation, Yuhua told Wang Lang that seeking a master is not as good as friendship and exchange with other martial artists /賢師莫若訪友妙.
Wang Lang left his teacher and embarked on a journey of friendship and exchange with other martial artists to validate his skill level.
Attracted by the reputation of Shaolin Temple, Wang Land made his way to Shaolin Temple to exchange and to validate his skill.
The legend said that Wang Lang was defeated on the first day of his arrival at Shaolin temple.
Exhausted and confused, Wang Lang was resting underneath a tree outside of the Shaolin Temple, trying to figure out why he lost the challenge to upgrade his skill.
Suddenly, Wang Lang noticed a Praying Mantis trying to catch a cricket on the tree branch, mimicking some martial application principles.
Wang Lang pricked and played with the Praying Mantis, simulating martial applications gaming.
Mesmerized in a trance state, something sparkled from within himself, the martial techniques he learned before converged into principles in the form of awareness, enabling the applications in the flow.
Out of his excitement and thrill, Wang Lang knocked on the Shaolin Temple gate again before the gate was open early in the morning.
The legend said that Wang Lang won the challenge.
The Shaolin Abbot witnessed the magic, invited Wang Lang to have tea together.
The Shaolin Abbot asked Wang Lang: ”What happened to you last night? How come you lost the challenge yesterday, and overnight, you become invincible? What is your system?”
Wang Lang as baffled by the question, and answered: “Praying Mantis.”
This is the coming of the naming of the Praying Mantis system of Kung Fu.
The Shaolin Abbot asked: “Can one tree blossom two flowers?”
Wang Lang responded: “All martial artists are of one family.”
Befriended, Wang Lang left Shaolin Temple.
After Wang Lang’s departure, based on Wang Lang’s demonstrations, Shaolin monks summarized into a form set titled “Plum Flower Praying Mantis/梅花螳螂拳”.
The twelve Praying Mantis principles are: Hooking/鉤, Flipping/摟. Plucking/採, Blocking/掛, Connecting/沾, Sticking/粘, Gluing/貼,Closing/靠, Evading/閃,Twisting/轉,Jumping/騰.and Moving/挪.
By the time Wang Lang left Shaolin Temple, one of the Shaolin Monks followed Wang Lang and became Wang Lang’s first student, his Taoist alias is Accenstion/昇霄道人.
Another Wang Lang’s student’s Taoist alias is Universe/宇宙道人.
After Wang Lang left Shaolin temple, he began to assimilate martial applications from across schools and disciplines based on the Twelve Principles of Praying Mantis and formalized the Praying Mantis System of Kung Fu.
It was during the era when the northern Qing/清 were invading Ming Dynasty/明朝(1644-1683) in Chinese history.
Wang Lang, being a citizen of the Ming Dynasty, actively participated in the Restoration Movement.
After Qing conquered Ming Dynasty, Wang Lang escaped and escorted his teacher to the mountains, living a hermit life and disappeared from the landscape of history.
Note: Translated and edited based on page 12 of the 2nd edition of Applicable Praying Mantis/實用螳螂拳續集,武術螳螂拳術密笈, self-published/authored by Wei Hsia Tang/衛笑堂.

Photo: Wei Hsiao Tang/衛笑堂