Dear Howard,
This is my very personal testimony about the life-changing experience of meeting you and Prana Dynamics.
All my adult life I have been suffering from depression. My world was gray and there was no real meaning to life. Then I went to what I thought to be a martial arts seminar and met you there.
As a physicist by education and a martial artist for many years I thought by then that Qi is something that the Chinese had not really understood and that it could be explained by the physical laws of force and leverage.
Luckily I was sensitive enough and by touching you, I at once recognized that it is indeed something very different. That was a real eye-opener for me and the discovery was so profound that it felt to me like I had been living in a 2-dimensional world all my life and now suddenly discovered that there is a 3rd dimension that I had not noticed before.
From that moment my life had a new direction. I really wanted to unveil this new dimension for and in me. Soon I learned that this goes so much deeper than just sensing and using Qi and that Prana Dynamics offers the possibility of a scientific and validate-able approach to the first steps in spirituality on the way of reverse engineering once own being.
Ever since Prana Dynamics has been my clear road map and guideline for my personal evolution. Following those guidelines and my emerging inner guidance I started to pop up all the old emotional traumas that have been embedded in my body for so long. I faced those energies and learned to handle them, sort them and let them go. This way I started a process of reintegrating myself on a deeper level and my different subconscious forces gradually stopped fighting themselves and I started to experience a state where inner contradictions subsided and inner peace increased.
In this process of holistic body-mind reverse engineering, inner body tensions released and my life changed dramatically. Old body pains went away. The inner circulation of life energy was running freer and freer.
In the past, I used to suffer from flues every 2 to 3 months. Today, I am experiencing one every 2 years. By setting right my inner emotions also the depressions went away gradually and today I am living a peaceful and content life in ever-increasing harmony with myself and my true self. Even my many allergies and my asthma became less. My character cleared and my reactions to the outside world and the reactions and relationships of people to me changed for the better on a basis of love and understanding.
Yet those outward effects are only the changes that can be seen on the surface. Carrying Prana Dynamics in the heart and following its guidelines of reverse self engineering truly leads to so much deeper, so profound changes that they are out of the scope of a normal human experience and need to be experienced to be truly understood.
One begins to naturally see things as they are and understand the mechanisms and happenings in and of life. The different parts of human bondage like soul and spirit are directly experienced and harmonized with. Qi and heart do not remain empty words but start to be filled with meaning and deep and direct understanding and integration into being.
All parts reveal themselves bit by bit and by harmonizing with them the journey goes ever deeper back to the direction of the source. Tranquility, harmony, and deep inner freedom emerge.
Prana Dynamics is the key to true inner spirituality if the heart is truly set to this path.
Thank you from my heart.