One of the determining factors is actually your personality. The quality of your mind.
Those who have a bigger ego, the stronger the ego the more difficult for them to sense what I said because it is difficult for them to release, to let go.
That is why the importance of letting, go especially the fighting orientation, the contention of the mind. To those people who are so very engrossed in the ego, it is this kind of a mission impossible. This is what I have discovered.
This is supposed to be for everybody but not everybody is ready for this. That is exactly where it takes time in their practice, to release your mind, to de-flame your mind, and then to confluent your mind-body energy throughout the fascia. This is where it takes our practice and time.
But once you are in place, once you have been practiced diligently, once it becomes a habit and then your second nature: you are there and you are free to express yourself.
Depending upon the quality of your personality. By the end of the day, it is for you to evolve your own style instead of you trying to imitate or copy my style. It is a mission possible.
So, if you understand this picture then you will wake up from the stronghold of a traditional or the fallacy of a lineage. It is not for you to learn or to copy or to imitate your master but rather it is for you to have the principles inside of your mind-body, making sense about it, feeling it, sensing it, become one with it, harmonize yourself with it and then you are free to express yourself.
This energy mechanism I call it Prana Dynamics, life energy in motion. You are the life energy in motion. Then, on the advanced level, if you forsake the fighting orientation then what is practice? What are you looking for? You then transcend yourself from the traditional bondage of martial arts and then it becomes more of a spiritual practice, free of all traditions and lineages.

This post is a transcript from this video:
Unfortunately, the sound quality is not good. Future videos will have better sound.