The animating life energy, the Prana, is electric magnetic by nature. After the animation, the mind is the electric energy dispersing away from the magnetic fluid.
The mental electric energy functions through the congregation of tension in the form of fear, whereas the magnetic fluid functions through neutralization in the form of love.
By willing, if one will from the mind, then due to the intrinsic separation from the magnetic fluid and the presence of a tension in fear, one will tend to bump with happenings in manifestation, therefore, there can be no magic.
True mental relaxation is about the modulation of the hyperactivity of the mental electric energy in vibration and frequency to the confluence with the magnetic fluid, i.e. simultaneous mind-body modulation to energize the fascia for its energy conductivity and to open up the chest area where the heart functions.
By willing, deriving the will from the heart instead of the mind, to modulate the magnetic fluid to flow, first throughout the body, then into space. When in the state, you then become the source of magic to people. The rest of the practice is to stabilize yourself in the state. There is no question for more, just dive deeper back into the mind-body.
About death, the fear of death is due to ignorance. On the screen of manifestation, whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. By the same token, whenever there is a birth, there will be death. It is something like the beginning and end of a show, the live show.
However, if you settle in with the conscious awareness as of the observer of the live show, then there is no room for fear, especially the fear of death.
Only the dead will die, as the conscious awareness en rapport with the life animating Primal energy, one is the immortal Primal energy animating the live show. The mind can not comprehend this perspective, only when the mind fasts, reality appears, when the mind feasts, reality disappears.
To practice is for you to evolve and transform yourself from the stronghold of the mind to the omnipresence as of the observer in the form of conscious awareness to wake yourself up from the intrinsic fear for death due to the involuntary identification with the animated body sentience.
In peace.