The rule of thumb is that anything, any movement that you feel comfortable with is okay. But if you feel that there is an urge of striving, of effort, then it’s not okay.
You have to experience this, feel the difference, and make a difference in yourself. This is the purpose of practice.
To practice is not to repeat the same pattern time and time again. As I said if you don’t realize that it’s a wrong pattern and you repeat it ten thousand times, by the end of the day it is still the same mistake just bigger and heavier. That is not the purpose.
So anything that makes you feel comfortable is okay and later, once that conditioned energy’s got vent off, your body becomes lighter and you become more and more sensitive to this energy flow, you become more and more aware of the diversity.
“I have noticed that already like a young trend like with the other people practicing I try to apply what they teach here and I have noticed that I have become much lighter in this very short time already. Also, the moves become faster but more stable, like the alignment is much stronger than it was before. So that’s a very interesting observation.”
Did it happen in like six weeks? It’s a very short time I think for that change because when it comes to this everybody is different. Some sense it faster, some never sense it.
It has to do with the quality of your personality There’s nothing wrong with you wanting it, to get it, but by wanting too much you fall back to your mind and the mind will block you away from it. But if you are serious about it, give about it and really sense it on a step-by-step basis but, it is not so difficult. Once you sense it, as I said before, by itself it’s very simple.
It is the mind that complicates it, so if you can release your mind it will become easier and easier. But to release the mind is something against human nature. Both martially and spiritually this is the same common denominator. Language blocks people from true understanding.
So that is why we started with the rooting: heaven man earth in oneness. The key thing is that you have to find the balance of your body first so that you are making room for you to really release the hyperactivity of your mental energy. So, once you become aware of it and relax, relax.
You do not have to relax completely to feel the magic. You just relax a little bit; you will be able to sense the difference. And then a new dimension will emerge from within the mind-body.
The rest of the practice is to stabilize yourself, as a natural state. You harmonize, you surrender your mind to this heart, this conscious presence.
So they are mutually exclusive. If the mind is hyperactive it distorts the sensation. But if you release your mind then the light of this conscious presence will come up and then everything is as it is. And then internally you open up a new space, another dimension, and then that’s where I got freedom.
You are free to express yourself. You start to sense much more intuitively. You now separate yourself from the observed you and you become more and more aware that you are the observer. And the manifestation is observed. It is a reflection of your senses.
From this, you become the seer. You become the knower. This is the state of Janni, the enlightened one. They see the landscape from a different perspective.
So the key thing is that you have to be in the state instead of just accumulating. Accumulation of their knowledge, their teachings, his teaching, and his teaching, etc. You are still bound by the mind.
So this is what I call self-validation. You have to be in the state for you to see the landscape. If you are not in the state then it doesn’t really matter how good your teacher is with the words, it is still your imagination.
This is the beauty of the art. It is very simple and there is no rule and you are totally free. You are free to express yourself, either intellectually, or in motion.
So, the deeper you delve in, you are embarking on an internal journey. demystification of yourself. And once you stabilize in this state there will be no more questions because whenever there is a question popping up in your mind, you will be able to see the answer next to the question yourself.
This is intellectual, conceptual freedom because you are not participating involuntarily in the external reflections of the manifestation. You are aware that you are the light that makes that reflection possible because you can see it from within yourself.
So once you stabilize in the state there will be no more questions. You become very quiet. You become very silent and become aware, just full awareness.
This is actually what we are trying to be. You know, I am a very good fighter. I have so many skills etc. All fights are just an act of brutality. Once you can release and conquer your mind there is no room for brutality and the fighting becomes redundant and unnecessary.
So what is the purpose? What is the purpose for you to train yourself diligently in preparation for a very good fight? Really? Stupid! It is totally wrong knowledge.
So, that is why the word for Chinese martial art is composed of two parts: stop fighting; stop the spear. Stop fighting. For a reason.
It also took me more than thirty years to realize this. It is very difficult for people like me to let go of what I have accumulated mentally or physically and to let it go and revert the mental focus and settle back in. A new internal journey from the very beginning. But this is exactly why I can tap into this dimension so very deep because I let go of fighting. I literally took a vow to myself that from that moment onwards I do not fight people. So that is why, when you touch my hands, there is no resistance. I do not resist.

This post is a transcript from this video:
Unfortunately, the sound quality is not good. Future videos will have better sound.