This dimension opens up. I felt very deep into it and on the way there I can feel that… At first, I called it philo dynamic because once I enter this dimension, all the questions I had to the art, I can see the answers next to the question from inside of myself.
Once I see the answer; no more questions. No more questions, one more bubbles up, one more bubbles up. It is like a philosophy dynamics in me. That is the first stage and later, the fewer and fewer the questions, the more I see. The more I see the culture of universality from the inside of myself because I reintegrated the connection of the mind-body energy to the astro energy and I settle in.
That is why I can explain to you things that you cannot find from any of the classics or any other books. But if you really listen to me from your heart and if you really practice and explore and validate my words in you, you will sense it yourself. You sense it yourself. And this is the process of what they call self-awakening.
It is self-awakening because Rome is not built in a day. It is not like this, with a click, with a touch of epiphany you are awake. No, no, no, that is the first step.
One layer is one layer of ignorance itself. Another layer that ignores itself. Like the peeling of the onion skin. And the more you can let go, open up and let it go. By letting go you open up from inside out until there is no more skin for you to let go of. Okay, you are there.
This is exactly the same for the what one of the bad range of what you call the nathi nithia path, Not this, not that. Not this, not that.
But it is not for your mind to say Not this, not that. That is ego. That is using your mind to rationalize it and to intellectualize it. You are still bound by the mind. You are still in the mind. So that is why you can get nowhere. Because in that mentality, whenever there is something wrong, it is always other people’s fault but mine.
So this is a mistake you know. That is why I keep on reminding you guys that on the path of this art, for martial arts or for spiritual orientation, whenever and wherever there something wrong, there is always something wrong in you.
You have to learn to diagnose yourself. Once you can diagnose yourself, this is wrong, this is tension, I am holding the tension, here I am trying and wanting too much… This is exactly what blocks me. Let go of it. Let go of the striving. Let go of the wanting. let go of the effort. Let go of your mind. You are there.
So, do not take it literally or do not take it conceptually. Of course, we have to… For you to embark on this journey… This is why the Q&A is important because I am trying my best to paint for you, at least conceptually, the map the road map. But once you have the conceptual understanding in place then the next challenge is that you have to prepare your ears and really embark on the journey. Practice, validate, sense that for yourself. This is
the nature of the art.
Once you embark on the journey you are making self-discoveries each step along the way. That is why I said, the nature of practice is not for you to repeat the same pattern time and time again but every time you practice you make some new discoveries, you make some new sensations. Every time you practice you can get kissed by the angel or the touch of a piece of me: ah, this is what it means. Aha, this is how it feels.
This is the best way for you to go in the right direction. This is the essence of self-validation. So, that is why you do not take any of my words too seriously. Listen to me, remember and go back and practice and validate. Digest it in you.
That is why I say, when you truly understand what I am trying to convey or impart to you, you will not say you understand. Do not say: “Yes sir, I understand.” No, that is from the mind.
You say “I see because I feel, I sense it.”
You say “I see” from your heart not from your mind.

This post is a transcript from this video:
Unfortunately, the sound quality is not good. Future videos will have better sound.