Whenever there is a way, one is in the middle of a journey, hence, not at the end of the journey.
Once one is freed from the dominance of the mind, then one separates the observed from the observer, the true spiritual journey then begins from within oneself from each moment of now.
The apperceived internal mindscape will unfold by itself beyond the capture of words.
It is like watching oneself from the reflection of a mirror, the reflection of the mirror is nothing but the shadow of the reflection, whereas one remains the substance always.
It does not matter how hard the shadow tries, the shadow can never become the substance within the domain of the mind.
If one understands the futility of effort, true surrender happens by surrendering the mind to the conscious presence.
By shifting identity with the mind-body to the conscious presence, one will be able to see that all manifestations are nothing but the reflection of the substance in oneself in the form of light.
The reflection mechanism is the Primal energy in animation, life energy in motion, Prana in dynamics.
Instead of involuntary participation with the manifestation, revert and harmonize oneself with the light instead!
In peace.