Attached is my recent message to one of my Belgium students. Due to their ardent interest in the essence of the art, some students are active in messenger communicating with me in private.
Some of the messages might be of interest to others. I am taking the liberty to share the relevant message with those interested. This question has to do with the nature of mind and intent.
In peace!
Dear ****
It seems like you are quoting your thoughts instead of real question.
Thought is still of the mind. When in action, it is intellectualization. You can not intellectualize consciousness, for it is impossible to use the mind to transcend the mind.
The essence of Prana Dynamics is self-validation. Here the self is referring to consciousness. To bridge over from the identity with the mind to consciousness, relaxation is the key. The culmination of relaxation is equanimity, where your mind-body energy confluent into oneness, in stillness and silence.
In this state, wherever there is a touch, the mental focus is focalized on the opponent’s tension, be it in line sensation or the redundant force in their fascia. Where the mental focus is, energy automatically flows. The only thing one can do is not block or fragment the energy flow.
If you can manage to control the mental focus, then obviously you are not the mind. If you shift the observation from the mind to energy, in the beginning, it is similar to what you are experiencing in your current state: seeking answers to questions through intellectualization. This is an interim state I called “ Philosophy in Dynamics – Philodynamics”.
In this state, it is important to validate within your mind-body. Instead of an accumulation of knowledge, you have to become the observer, in oneness with the energy flow. As if when you see the clouds in the sky the cloud is exactly what blocks you from seeing the true azure color of the sky.
You will then become the seer, the observer, the knower, instead of hunting high and low within the boundary of your sentience and getting nowhere. In this state, it is an art of making sense. By making sense, I am referring to the capacity to put up the puzzles one by one and for you to see the pictures yourself. It is a process of demystification from your ignorance. If you keep on asking me questions and collect my answers as a shortcut, there is no validation in the process, and then you will fall victim to your imagination through the accumulated knowledge.
It will be best for you to keep on with the attitude and diligence, ask yourself the questions, then try to find the answer yourself. Whenever you are with me, ask me relevant questions for confirmation. This way you will evolve in the right direction.
It is like mountain climbing. If you are not there at the destination, all descriptions by the others about the scenery there will be nothing but your imagination. But once you are there, you will not need descriptions, for you can see it yourself.
When the mind is released, focus on the confluence of mind-body energy, once they confluent, then it will become functional through the command of intent. Once identified with the body sentience, it is the mind, free of the identification, it is consciousness in animation.
The intent is not of the mind but the conscious presence. For energy to communicate, the state of oneness/harmony is key, if there is no mind inside of you, and your mental focus is on the opponent, the two of you will become one, by not disturbing their fascia, their energy will confluent at the command of your intent, hence they have to move themselves, instead of you trying to move them.
In peace.