Munich 2022 Seminar Testimonial, from Tim Mrazek, Canada
Training in-person with Frank Markert is a truly incredible experience and was far beyond what I’d hoped to get. Frank is an exceptional and evolved teacher and is highly capable in being able to discern where each person’s challenges and blockages lie. He gently and easily guides each to a deeper state of awareness within. Extremely skilled and able to demonstrate a great variety of applications, he is also very patient and gentle, with everything he shares being centered in love. As a result, the atmosphere of Frank’s workshops are very nurturing and encouraging. I met wonderful people from near and far. We formed new friendships too, each connecting with others like ourselves along the journey. I highly recommend!
More? (actually, I just realize this next part is a letter written to my former self, LOL! Perhaps part of saying goodbye to the past!)
Maybe you’re like me. Kung Fu (martial arts)-crazy. I’ve been involved with traditional Chinese martial arts for nearly four decades. I’ve practiced a variety of health and martial qigong regimens as well as studied traditional Chinese medicine as part of my profession. I’ve made some small achievements and while my personality is not pugnacious, my interests in learning self-defense and combat are long-since satisfied.
As a teacher, I recognize that while most profess a deep interest in attaining the many good things the arts have to offer, their time is often usurped by other matters and so the majority explore these arts on a recreational and superficial level. So what to do? Teach to the level necessary to develop technical mastery, or to guide toward something instantly rewarding for daily life?
Over ten years ago I began to question the purpose and benefit of what I do. How to be a better teacher? How to be a better person? How to live life centred in peace and meaning? These had always been important, but somehow something was still lacking and significant progress was not likely without changing the approach.
It’s often said that the deeper roads of martial art study lead right through the self—they are in fact part of the ultimate spiritual evolutionary journey. The concept of this should not be entirely foreign to you as your read this. But talk is cheap. So after many years of denial, reflection, then searching, I found Howard’s 6-month master program (Prana Dynamics, Howard Huai Hsiang Wang). And so happy I did!
Frank Markert was recommended for coaching sessions for anyone who was having difficulty actualizing the teachings. Stubborn? Yup, that’s me. Finally caved in and did a handful of Zoom sessions with Frank. Progressively made tiny steps. Then came the announcement of the Munich seminar—I knew I had to go!
If you’re of the martial mind, rest assured everything Frank taught in the seminar was directly applicable to the mastery of internal martial arts. But you don’t need to attend Frank’s seminar to be entertained by energetic feats—get past that if you can. In actuality, we only spent a bit on ‘martial’ skills (qinna) on our last day. Frank could have easily spent hours tossing us around the room, and teaching us, perhaps to try to do the same. Instead, he helped us focus on the essential energy skills that far surpass combat application.
I’m just a beginner—again!—but so very happily to be one. I feel that I have the foundation now to further develop myself in the right direction. Small steps, yes, but still steps forward in a new and meaningful direction.
With respect, in peace.
Tim Mrazek,
SK, Canada