Hi Howard,
I am one of the enthusiastic and happy members of the current Prana Dynamics masterclass!
Although I have been practising Tai Chi for quite some time and learnt under several teachers, I have never experienced such insights, experiences, clarification and even joy as in your class.
Thank you so much for your seemingly endless patience, your very frequent demonstrations, your clear instructions and the open teachings without holding back anything.
I am so grateful for the format of the Masterclass and the learning possibilities, especially in these irritating times!
The videos are so helpful for me and getting access to the 2 classes ( EU and US ) is a precious chance to get a thorough learningĀ and many repetitions.
Only I am not on Facebook – and will never be – some other members obviously also; so I appreciate the info, announcements and your contributions on the Martialman website quite a lot.
Currently, I have no questions. Maybe I will send a short video in the near future in case of needing help and corrections.
Anyway – I look forward to the next classes.
All the best.
Warmth regards,