Hello again!
I wanted to personally thank you for offering your Online Master Course, especially during the slowdown caused by the worldwide shutdowns.
I believe the format has been much more thorough and beneficial to my capacity to process and absorb the information given and demonstrated, in comparison to a weekend seminar. Obviously, daily in-person training is usually best, but we know that is not possible given people’s locations, finances, etc.
Most helpful to me has been the benefit of having the recorded sessions for continual future review; especially since it is many times difficult to grasp all of what is being said and demonstrated the first time around.
I appreciate all of your prompt feedback with my training videos and your willingness to answer questions regarding the material covered throughout the whole length of this program.
You have definitely shed some light on your YouTube videos demonstrations and clarified what you refer to as “Bypassing”, “Hula Hoop Principle”, “Squeezing”, and “Pressing”. A further conceptual clarification and help has been in your simplifying the internal process with your “RABIDS” acronym.
For those alone, I have received what I was hoping to get out of the program.
It has been interesting to learn more about your philosophical worldview, and although I do not subscribe to it, I appreciate your willingness to teach and share your experience and perspective.
I look forward to more fully integrating the “RABIDS” principles into my personal martial arts practice, as it compliments well. Now, the continuous end goal will be to turn the conceptual knowledge into actual skill!
Thank you again for a worthwhile time!